How could account password leak (mail/ssh/social networks/forums)

      1) The password was weak and it was just picked, by dictionary search. The weak passwords are login_login, login_digits, only_digits, dictionary_word. Below is an example of a password attempt, such attempts go on 24/7.

        2018-09-19 16:15:09 ivanov/ivanov
        2018-09-19 16:15:16 ivanov/123456
        2018-09-19 16:15:27 ivanov/123456a
        2018-09-19 16:15:42 ivanov/111111
        2018-09-19 16:15:54 ivanov/ivanov1
        2018-09-19 16:16:06 ivanov/654321

      Password recommendations are at least 8 characters, at least one capital letter, one small letter and a number. A strong password looks like this XrHTqsAec3YKd

      2) Use different passwords for different resources. Never use passwords on email accounts that you use on forums, torrent trackers, and social networks. Use password managers in browsers, or separate programs - roboform, keepass.

      3)Be careful with Wi-Fi networks, especially public and open networks. Traffic on such networks may be recorded and analyzed for passwords.

      4) Don't fall for fake "from support" notifications, fake "bank" web pages, and various "social media alerts". Just hovering your mouse cursor over the link or the sender's address will reveal that the link leads to an entirely different site. If you are not able to determine the fake link yourself, contact the specialists - administrators of your unit.

      5) Your computer/device must have a working anti-virus with a regularly updated anti-virus database. Modern viruses can intercept computer traffic and "steal" accounts.