Services: E-Mail Services

    Инструкция по настройке Microsoft Outlook 2016

    1. Launch Outlook 2016 via the menu:

    2. In the windows "Welcome.."

      и "Add an account..." click Next":

    3. In the window "Automatic setup..." select "Manual Setup..." and click Next.

    4. In the "Select Service" window, select "POP or IMAP Protocol".

    5. In the "Account Settings window, fill in the fields.
        In the name field, enter your name, for example Ivanov I.I.
        In the address and user fields, enter your email address.
        In the incoming/outgoing mail server fields, enter
        In the Account type, select IMAP.
      Make sure that the "Remember password" checkbox is set".

    6. Click on the "Other Settings" button:

    7. In the "Outgoing mail server" section, check the box "SMTP server" requires authentication.

    8. In the "Advanced" section, select the type of encrypted connection TLS.

    9. After checking the account, click on "Close" and "Done".