JINR Network Rules
Designed to ensure optimal operation of the network and its services, reduce the number of failures, and improve its safety. The rules apply to all persons and all organizations using any computers, computing and communication systems of JINR and organizations connected to the JINR computer network
The JINR Network Service
Attention, employees of JINR!
In case of network, service or Internet access failures, first of all, contact the system administrators of your laboratory/department.
It is located in the Laboratory of Information Technologies, Building 134, room 200.
Here you can leave a questionnaire on the connection, get a network address for the computer, get advice from the right person. There are also problems with reconnecting users. Phone operators (496) 216-34-88 are answered by our operators.
You can report problems and get advice.
Our official e-mail address: noc@jinr.ru .
All inquiries sent to this address are received by specially trained people who will answer them. Best regards,
The JINR Network Service