JINR Network Rules
Designed to ensure optimal operation of the network and its services, reduce the number of failures, and improve its safety. The rules apply to all persons and all organizations using any computers, computing and communication systems of JINR and organizations connected to the JINR computer network
Registration of JINR Network Users

Instruction for obtaining authorized access (account) to the information and computing resources and JINR network infrastructure
- 1. All JINR employees, associated personnel, delegated individuals, and trainees and postgraduates passing practice in the JINR UC using network and computer resources must be registered with the JINR Network Service at the LIT.
- 2. According to the order of the JINR Director and Requirements of Information Security Policy, official correspondence should be conducted using email addresses @jinr.ru (or laboratory servers @xxx.jinr.ru). Therefore, when meeting with the system administrator, request them to set up an official email address for you.
- 3.The right to obtain authorized access (account) is granted to the following categories of JINR staff:
- 3.1. JINR employees working under a fixed-term employment contract or on a permanent basis;
- 3.2. Members of the associated personnel of JINR (according to the Provision on the Associated Personnel of JINR No. 539 of June 29, 2021);
- 3.3. Students and postgraduates undergoing practical training or preparing their graduation work at JINR.
- 3.4.Delegated employees of scientific and scientific-educational organizations sent to JINR for joint work;
- 4. To register and obtain authorized access (account):
- 4.1. Employees of JINR working under a fixed-term employment contract or permanently need to contact the system administrator of their laboratory or the JINR Network Service Office - LIT building, room 200, tel. 216-34-88;
- 4.2.Members of the associated personnel of JINR should contact the JINR Department of Scientific and Organizational Activities through their JINR coordinator (appointed in accordance with the order of JINR)
Nelya Viktorovna Doroshkevich, nelyavik@jinr.int, tel. 216-22-49, Joliot-Curie street (1st building), room 27.
- 4.3.Students and postgraduates should contact the JINR Educational and Scientific Center through the responsible person (coordinator or scientific supervisor) for their stay at JINR (appointed in accordance with the order of JINR)
Olga Alexandrovna Reshetova, roa@jinr.ru, tel. 216-48-07.
- 4.4.The registration procedure for delegated employees of scientific and scientific-educational organizations sent to JINR for joint work is similar to that described in section 3.2.
- 5.. All users are required to familiarize themselves with and adhere to the rules of operation in the local computing network of JINR, take a course on computer security in their SSO account in the "Network Services" section of the JINR digital ecosystem https://digital.jinr.ru.
- 6. The registration validity period is determined by regulatory documents (Order, Agreement, and Contract).
- 7.In case of changes to the registration data, the user must inform the new data to the system administrator of their laboratory or the JINR Network Service Office - LIT building, room 200, tel. 216-34-88.