JINR Network Rules
Designed to ensure optimal operation of the network and its services, reduce the number of failures, and improve its safety. The rules apply to all persons and all organizations using any computers, computing and communication systems of JINR and organizations connected to the JINR computer network
Registering an EDUROAM account
EDUROAM is a Wi-Fi roaming service for scientific organizations, more details here https://eduroam.ru/en/
To obtain an EDUROAM account (login and password), send applications to noc@jinr.ru. The application must be sent from the postal address of the JINR network, i.e. @jinr.ru or laboratory @xxx.jinr.ru.
The password can also be changed upon request to noc@jinr.ru.
Information on Wi-Fi networks at JINR is available here https://noc.jinr.ru/en/service/wifi-net.php