Services: Remote access

    Security rules for users of remote access services

    1. In accordance with the "Rules of Operation in the Comрuter Network of JINR", the user is fully responsible for all activities performed by him\her in the JINR network, including all actions performed through the remote access account, irrespective of :
      • he\she knew about these actions or did not know;
      • he\she deliberately committed these acts or unintentionally;
      • he\she understood the meaning of the actions or did not understand.

    2. The users of the remote access service to the JINR network are prohibited:
      • use of other people's accounts;
      • unauthorized mass mailings of any kind;
      • scanning of the ports of computers / networks both of JINR and external networks;
      • setting and adjustment of any software or hardware for sharing an account, if the connected computers are not in the user's apartment;
      • use of client programs for file-exchange networks: Kazaa, BitTorrent, Edonkey and others;
      • set up on your home computer any services available from an external network - mail, ftp, web, etc.

    3. Every user is obliged:
      • Install a virus protection program (antivirus) on his/her home computer, as well as an anti-spyware program, than download updates weekly and perform a full computer scan;
      • update the operating system, install patch packages, enable automatic updating
      • independently monitor the security level of your computer.

    4. If a violation of the "Security rules for users of remote access services" or "Rules of operation in the Computing Network of JINR" the user account is blocked, the incident shall be investigated by the employees of the Network Service. The user is notified by e-mail.
    5. A user account can only be unlocked after the user submits an explanatory note in writing. In the explanatory note addressed to the Network Service, the user must specify the date and cause of the incident. After checking the data, an explanatory conversation is conducted with the user and the password is forcibly replaced.

      The inclusion takes place only on the 1-st day of the following month, but not earlier than 30 days after the receipt of the explanatory memorandum to the JINR Network Service.

      In case of repeated violation, the account can be unlocked only after 60 days from the date of receipt. In the case of a third violation, the account is deleted from the user registry without the right to recover.